Thursday, December 16, 2010

In the Spotlight

Heard while falling asleep: Lucifer is the false light (that everyone worships, the worldy ambience and fashions, the company and celebrity. So it they don't see you, then all is well.)

I can't put a spotlight on him; it's not allowed, somehow, inspite of all his brilliance, the outgoing light is deflected from him and I see nothing I can worship. And we are saved from false idols.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


It is amazing, over the course of 24 hours, how an action's implications can change colors and aspects, from gloomy to bright, as if you were turning a crystal in front of a light source. How the mood can change from one of expected resentment to one of openness and accord, from guilt to innocence.


Taking refuge from the rigidity of conclusion in the fluidity of the now. Sacrificing the idol (the model) on the altar of the infinite, dissolving the weary in the ultimate freshness.

How intimately can you know Reality

How deeply can you submerge yourself in Now.

Friday, December 10, 2010

for the emptiness

O spark of God, light up.
Be warmed by your own light,
Be fluid with your own spirit,
Be saturated with brine of your own life.

Stretched across the moment,
who comes through the needle of now?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

early morning

It's not whether or not you are noticed, but whether you notice. Not whether you're loved, but that you love. Not what you get, but what you give. Remember that you are and stay lucid about being, expecting nothing.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Learning from Experience

Can I learn from experience? Not if I'm not grounded in my body, where experience happens, but hiding in the tower of the mind and conceptual delusion. So the body becomes the mouth of life that speaks the truth. If you seek the truth, study your feelings, not as reactions to conditions but as spiritual events.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Eternally Born

The eternal lives only in the now. What does this mean? It means that we are born eternally. The Holy Spirit gives birth to us every moment, newly. But by our powers of comprehension and laden in our expectations of continuity we preserve the narrative and the limitations of our beliefs. What's possible in the narrative? Does anyone really know?

stop running

Stop running from death; stop running from failure.

Realize how the sick and the dying are healing the living by giving their lives meaning. Know that the prospect of failure is curing the living by giving life meaning and direction, the tension neccessary for growth.

Scary words

"If you're not brave enough to go down the path of your true creativity than all that fire will flow into making all the non-creative tasks you occupy yourself with more and more frustrating.

Start by relaxing and having fun.

Fine Life

Fiddling for freedom, Energy work for freedom, Scribbling for glory.

And then all that renewal stuff. Consciously. When you clean your house, make it a ceremony of renewal, dedication to a spirit whose grace is unimaginable, an acknoweldgement that I have no idea what revelation might be around the corner, what abundance bursts of love might lurk in the future, what unimaginable grace and poetry the holy spirit will now stage in my life.

Your Creativity

The biggest gift you give your children is your creativity: in humour, in art, in food, in speech. It is so plain to see. So while you worry about dotting i and crossing t's, without cultivating the joy that nurtures creativity. So how to cultivate that sense of well-being and joy that brings joyous exploration? What spirit brings this? What animal?

Panther Medicine

The dark cat; the fluid silkiness of yin, the power to identify and disenable that which causes the spirit distortion and discomfort. The vibration of the pur, the fierceness of the growl, the softness of the skin. God's own, without a doubt. We practiced cutting cords, bringing to consciousness shadowy agreements that compromise our power and freedom.

We healed ourselves. I saw how much there is to heal.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

needles and felt

Today we started sewing felt creatures. Nora sewed for the first time - she asked for thread that would "camouflage" with the light blue felt with which she is making a spider. I had her sit in front of me as I showed her how to move the needle through the layers. She lasted for longer than I imagined, and between the two of us we stitched half her creature closed. It will be an ice spider and she wants it to really stand up so we'll need to give it wire legs.

Russell is making a green -ooze cyclops. The design he made has such a nice, masculine protective feeling though, I felt slightly comforted when cutting it out for him along the lines he drew, when carefully matching up the margins and pinning the fabric in place. He calls my creature "triple blob," but to me it has become a symbol of abundance, something like a pea pod filled with bodhichitta. Would it hurt if I enclose a mantra within it, but which one? Or maybe I'll embroider an om into each of its sections. It is nice when the syllable goes beyond novel orientalism into the resonance it may have been in India 2,000 years ago, a syllable that replenishes light in a world where shadows and confusion so frequently press in. Maybe here, in this stuffed toy, OM will press out, affectionately. And each time the needle goes through the felt, the devotee is bonded to the samaya, the sangha, the dharma, to the yidam and guru (physical or not), and each pass through represents another moment when the delusions on which all unkindness and judgement are based are recognized as baseless.

Om derives from Aum, "The syllable is taken to consist of three phonemes, a, u and m, variously symbolizing the Three Vedas or the Hindu Trimurti or the three stages of life ( birth, life and death ). " It is thought of as containing blissful emptiness, and some believe that Amen comes from the same root. Based on the triple time signatures as mentioned above Om calls to mind the Hebrew tetragrammaton, the description of the unnameable limited to "what was, what is, what is to come." Aum. YHYW. Is it true?